Color Definition: Define colors

This command can define colors for graphics within the OpenGL window or change the background color. Color for indices 0 and 1 cannot be changed. Index 0 is used for current background (Default: black) and index 1 is current foreground (Default: white).

Following Dialog shows the available options:


Colors for individual indices

1. Index: Within this input field the first color index to be changed must be provided. Changeable are only indices starting at 2.

„Define pops up the standard Windows dialog for defining colors. 16 colors starting from the specified first index are shown with their current values, which can be changed.

Background color

Change: This option sets the background color to the color of the specified index. Index 0 means black and index 1 means white background.

Show colors

Within the input field a color index must be given. The corresponding list shows the currently defined colors starting from this index, after pressing the associated button.

Post colors

Pressing this button a dialog pops up for defining smooth color transitions used by post processing.