Color bar: Define position of color bar and
define additional text
Following dialog shows the available options:
Color bar
Position x, y, h in % of window size: Position and height of the color bar in % of
the window size must be given
The color bar will be plotted within a new layer. With this option set this
layer won’t be erased when refreshing the plot.
Plots color bar as a horizontal bar, otherwise as a vertical bar.
To annotate the color bar, the number of color boxes to be annotated and the
number of decimal digits can be given.
Plot: Color
bar will be plotted.
Load case
displaying a legend together with a load case following values can be provided:
Text: A
single line of text can be given. If button „Actual load case“ is pressed the
current load case description given in the second line of the input file is
The position of the text line must be given in percentage of window size.
Font: The
ID of the font to be used by the text has to be given.
provided legend is saved as a text group -1 and plotted together with all
active text groups (see command Graphics text).