Define element: Define individual elements graphically or numerically

This command lets you define individual macro or finite elements where associated nodes are already defined. When deleting elements an option must be set to keep the individual nodes. The dialog remains active until it’s explicitly closed by „Cancel“.

Following dialog shows the available options:


Show existing element: Clicking the button, an existing element can be selected graphically; whose parameters and node IDs are then shown within the dialog. This element can be modified and replaced by pressing „Apply“. For example it’s possible to add relevant nodes for a regular subdivision of a macro elements of type 105; or with type 400 elements to mark intermediate nodes on circular edges with a – sign, because this is not done automatically when reading type 400 elements from AutoCAD.

Next element ID: This input field specifies the element ID to be used for a new element. After each saving of an element, the currently largest element ID is incremented by 1. This ID will also be set if the button is pressed. In case the ID of an already existing element is given in the input field it will be asked for overwriting.

Next group ID: This input field gives the group ID for new elements. If the button is pressed the currently largest existing group ID incremented by one will be set.

Next mechanical Type ID: This input field gives the mechanical type ID for new elements. If the button is pressed the currently largest existing mechanical type ID incremented by one will be set.

Element type

Element type for new elements must be given. Only these types shown within the list box can be graphically defined.

Node IDs

Internal node IDs (indices of nodes) for the new element must be given according to the order shown in Table 2.1. For element type x5 the last node of a curved edge must be given a negative sign, while with type 105 corner nodes must be given a negative sign (see chapter “Element types“)


If this button is pressed, default values for the following available element ID will be set.

Select nodes

After clicking this button the nodes of the new elements are to be selected graphically. The IDs of selected nodes are shown within the dialog after finishing one element. The number of nodes to be selected depends on the element type. In case of a variable number (for example type 45, type 105 and type 400 elements) the selection is ended by pressing the right mouse button. Pressing the left mouse button does the node selection. In case the “-“ key is pressed first, the selected node gets a minus sign (last node for spline curves or intermediate nodes on edges for type 105 and type 400 elements). Selected nodes are marked by a colored symbol; by pressing „d“ key, latest selected node is made undone. In case there is a straight edge at elements of type x5, the node at this edge must be given as „0“, this is done with key ‘0’ when doing graphical selections. You can define new elements continuously until you press the right mouse button. Each new element is shown graphically and can immediately deleted by pressing button „Undo“.


This button saves a newly numerically defined element and immediately it will be colored displayed within the graphic window so its definition can be checked and it may be immediately deleted pressing button “Undo”. In case an already defined element should become overwritten it must explicitly be confirmed.


Pressing this button causes latest defined element to be deleted.

Delete elements

Clicking this button, the dialog for deleting elements pops up.