PATRAN Neutral File

 Command PATRAN creates a neutral PATRAN file with currently saved data values of the Finite element model (see PATRAN Plus User Manual, chapter 29). The filename is selected from a file selection dialog.

PATRAN differentiates data cards (in the following called packet type) with a 2-digit type ID. Each data type starts with a header card in the format (I2, 8I8) with the following information:

IT            = Data type

ID           = Identification number

IV            = Additional ID

KC          = Number of following cards for this data type

N1-N5    = Integer values

Such a header card follow KC cards with values related to the data type.

In the following it will be stated how the conversion between MAKROS data and PNF data is done.

Packet type 25: Title Card

The following card gives the file name under witch the data is stored on hard disk.

Packet type 26: Summary Data

The header card contains the following data:

N1 = Number of nodes

N2 = Number of elements

N3 = Number of materials

N4 = Number of element properties

N5 = Number of coordinate frames

The following card contains the date and time of file creation

Packet type 01: Node data

This card saves nodal coordinates and all defined boundary conditions specified by the command Constraints.

First card saves external node ID. 2nd card specifies global cartesian x,y,z-coordinates of this node.

The 3rd card gives parameters ICF = 0, GTYP, NDF, CONFIG, CID and PSPC just as specified by the command Constraints.

Packet type 02: Element data

This card saves the element related parameters.

The 1st card holds external element ID,  shape ID for this element (2 = bar, 3 = tri, 4 = quad, 5 = tet, 7 = wedge, 8 = hex), the number of associated data values (N1) and if necessary node ID of node in xy-plane (the 3rd node) in case of bar elements.

The 2nd card holds the number of element nodes corresponding to element type. CONFIG holds the group ID and PID holds cross section ID associated with this element. CEID is set to 0.

Next cards hold node IDs for this element.

Packet type 03: Material Properties

This card contains material data specified by the command Material.

The 1st card saves material ID and type ID for this material. N1 will be set to 0. Next 20 cards hold 96 material values in the same order they were entered. Missing values are set to 0.

Packet type 04: Element properties

This card contains cross section properties defined by the command Cross section.

The 1st card holds cross-section ID and material ID. For each element type and for each material one cross section type must be defined and associated to an element. N1 and N2 define element shape and the number of element nodes just as for package type 02. N3 holds the given configuration flag, N4 holds the number of saved data values.

Packet type 05: Coordinate systems

This card contains the parameters for local coordinate systems.

The 1st card holds external ID of the system and a type ID (1 = cartesian, 2 = cylindrical, 3 = spherical).

Additional cards hold the coordinates of 3 points defining this coordinate system and 9 values defining the transformation matrix.

Packet type 06: Distributed element loads

This card contains distributed element loads defined by the command Element load.

The 1st card holds element ID and load set ID.

The 2nd card holds the given parameter values for LTYPE (0 = edge load, 1 = surface load), EFLAG, GFLAG, ICOMP, NODE, NFE (ID for edge respectively surface for solids).

Additional cards hold the given load components.

Packet type 07: Nodal loads

This card contains the nodal loads defined by the command Node forces.

The 1st card holds node ID and load set ID.

The 2nd card holds the ID of the local coordinate system and load component flag.

Additional cards hold load components if load component flags = 1.