Post color: Define color values for color indices

This command redefines colors associated to color indices.

Following Dialog shows the available options:

Index: ixc, r, g, b

Color index and associated RGB-values in the range 0-255 must be given for a single index

Index range: ixc1, m, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2

The smallest color index ixc1 and the number of indices for which new values should be defined together with RGB-values for the smallest and the largest color index must be given. Color values for all indices between are calculated using linear interpolation.

Grey scale: ixc1, m, bmin, bmax

The smallest color index ixc1 and the number of color indices m must be given together with the brightness values in % for the smallest and the largest index. Indices between are calculated using linear interpolation.

Linear: ixc1, m, phi, s, bmin, bmax

The smallest color index ixc1, the number of indices m, the color value phi, the color saturation s, the smallest brightness bmin and the largest brightness bmax must be given. Color is defined by an angle phi (0-360), a radius r (0-100) out of a color cone (HLS-system).

Following colors are assigned to angles: 0° = blue, 60° = magenta, 120° = red, 180° = yellow, 240° = green, 300° = cyan, 360° = blue.

Post processing colors: ixc1, m

The smallest color index and the number of following indices must be given. Between these indices a smooth color range of colors blue, green, yellow, red and magenta will be created.


After setting the options this button does the current calculation of the colors and updates the color lookup tables.

Plot palette

This button plots current color settings as a color bar for indices ixc1 until ixc1+m-1. The position (x,y) and hight h of the color bar must also be given in % of window size.