
Folder \demo contains files that demonstrate the usage of some commands and can be used as tutorials. The files are started with command „Demo File“. If a connection of files with extension .dem with the program „makrosa.exe“ is registered in Windows, a demonstration can be started by double clicking a demo file.


Following some of the available demo files are described.

Demofile: subdivision.dem

This example shows the subdivision of a structure with 4 macro elements into a FE model. Subdivision parameters are assigned with the command „Pattern“.



Demofile: Intersection.dem

The macro and FE models show in the following figure are generated only by using MAKROS commands.

The generation is done in following steps:

Command and Function:

Coordinate System

Define local toroidal coordinate system

Define Nodes

2 individual nodes in toroidal coordinates

Define Nodes

Divide line between this nodes in toroidas coordinates

3D Ext/Translation

Create additional nodes on toroid by translation

Define Elements

Define macro elements graphically


Delete point elements

Coordinate System

Define local cylindrical coordinate system

Define Nodes

2 individual nodes in cylindrical coordinates

Define Nodes

Divide line between this nodes in cylindrical coordinates

3D Ext/Translation

Create additional nodes on cylinder by translation


Move nodes on cylinder on to torus surface

Define Elements

Define elements graphically


Delete point elements

Define Nodes

Create intermediate nodes by division of lines in toroidal coordinates


Delete 2 macro elements

Define Elements

Define elements graphically


Delete point elements


Assign subdivision parameters


Create FE model by dividing macro elements


Smooth nodes on torus surface


Mirror elements in plan Z = 0



Demofile: nastran1.dem

This example shows pre and post processing of the following frame structure.


Demofile: nastran2.dem

This example shows pre and post processing of the following solid model.

Demofile: nastran4.dem

This example shows pre and post processing of the following shell model.



Demo file: subdivision.dem

The macro model shown in the following figure is read from a DXF-File. With command „Pattern“ subdivision parameters for a regular subdivision of the macro elements are assigned to get the shown structure.




Demo file: 3Dextension.dem

This example shows, how to create a solid model out of a surface model. Used are the commands 3DExtension/Translation and Mirroring to generate the shown FE model.




Demo file: patern15x.dem

This example shows, which pattern id to use to get a regularly subdivision of macro elements with 5 vertices.



Demo file: patern16x.dem

This example shows, which pattern id to use to get a regularly subdivision of macro elements with 6 vertices.



Demofile: typ400_1.dem, typ400_2.dem, typ400_3.dem

Element type 400: free mesh generation of plane surfaces.


Demofile: dplatte.dem

Element type 400: free mesh generation of plane surfaces.

Demo file: vdafs.dem

Generation of a macro and finite element model using a CAD model in VDAFS format.

Demofile: referencepoint.dem

Subdivision of macro elements using reference points.

Order of specification: Define position of reference points, subdivide all edges with command „Division“, control the finite element net with command „Subdivision“ and option test some elements, correct the number of intermediate nodes for some parts of the edges with reference points using command „reference points“.

Demofile: nastran3.dem

Pre- and post processing of a plate.

Demofile: arrayplot.dem

3D-Plot und XY-Plot of array data (see command „Array Plot“)

Demofile: defkoor.dem

Definition of boundary coordinate systems.

Demofile: netz.dem

Local net refinement

Demofile: mak01903.dem

Post processing of a big structure

Demofile: pattern150.dem

Subdivision of macro type 150.

Demofile: plate.dem, typ400_1.dem, typ400_2.dem, typ400_3.dem

Subdivision of macro type 400.

Demofile: post1.dem, post2.dem, arrayview.dem

Post processing.

Demofile: translation.dem, move.dem

command 3DExtension/Translation.

Demofile: demo.dem

Combination of multiple demo files.