Appendix B: Keywords (Links)


Different Program Versions



Commands, switching control between AutoCAD and MAKROS

Programming interface

Graphical output, OpenGL display lists (layers)


Automatically saving of all data

Undo function

Element selection

Graphical selection of nodes and elements within OpenGL

External node and element Ids, Node elements

Demo files, Tutorials

Demo installation



Definition of macro elements within AutoCAD

Definition of macro elements within AutoCAD

Subdivision patterns

Subdivision patterns

MAKROS-A commands overview

Processing the entire structure

Commands to generate new nodes and elements

Subdivision of macro elements into finite elements

Handling CAD data in VDAFS format

General commands

Commands for graphical representation of the structure

Commands specifying loads, constraints, element properties and materials

Interfaces to FE-Programs

Visualize calculation results (Post processing)

Demo-files, tutorial

Commands processing the entire structure


Switch between processing of FE resp. Macro structure

Load elements from disk (binary file)

Save elements to disk (binary file)

Save all data in memory to disk

Save all data automatically

Read elements from AutoCAD respectively from a DXF-file

Delete elements in memory

Delete all data in memory

Transfer elements between structure type

Commands to generate new nodes and elements


Define individual elements graphically or numerically

Define new nodes, change node coordinates

Transform surface elements to solid elements, Translate or copy elements

Mirror element structure on plane

Calculate nodes on intersection of 2 regular surfaces

Define additional nodes for beam elements

Local net refinement by dividing individual elements

Change element type

Define local coordinate system

Create Finite Elements out of macro elements

Calling own functions from DLL

Handling CAD data in VDAFS format


Read VDAFS input file, save data to or load from a binary file

Plot VDAFS elements

Generate nodes on bounded surfaces

Define macro elements on SURF elements

Generate a macro and FE model, smooth the FE model

Define a VDAFS element selection, remove VDAFS elements

Subdivision of macro elements into finite elements


Equidistant subdivision of edges

Subdivision for single elements

Subdivision for single element edges

Continue with existing edge subdivisions

Define reference points for subdivision of macro elements

Check consistency for existing subdivisions

Delete currently defined subdivision data

Save/load subdivision data to/from file

Execute subdivision

Subdivision patterns

General commands


General information about structure elements

Assign group ID's, color id's etc.

Define name of layer

Sort and renumber nodes and elements by position

Shift nodes on a regular surface

Remove nodes which are close together

Check conditions (vertex angle, orientation)

Select elements

Select nodes

Exits MAKROS if invoked from AutoCad  (AutoCAD command)

Command selection from MAKROS-A menu (AutoCAD command)

Pass control to AutoCAD 

Commands for graphical representation of the structure


Plot elements

Plot group ID's etc.

Define camera parameters

Viewing by rotating the model

Erase AutoCAD layer and display lists or switch display lists on/off

Set shading parameters

Define colors

Define color values for color indices

Define additional graphical text

Define font for graphical text

Write graphics to a postscript file 

Commands specifying loads, constraints, element properties and materials


Define and assign loads on nodes

Define and assign distributed loads on elements

Define distributed loads on surface elements, calculate statically equivalent

Define constant pressure on surface elements, calculate statically equivalent forces

Calculate the resultant of node forces

Define material properties

Define and assign cross section properties on elements

Define and assign constraints on nodes

Check assignments for the NASTRAN interface

Save data to binary file

Load data from file

Plot assignments

Show some information of assignments

Delete all data in memory 

Interfaces to FE-Programs


Create or read a NASTRAN input file

Create or read a PATRAN input file

Write elements in ASCII format to file

Read elements in ASCII format to file

Call interface function from DLL

Development of special Interface programs



Providing data for post processing

Load data for postprocessing

Specify the kind of visualization for scalar fields

Select range of scalar values to be displayed

Conversion between node and element values

Define color values for color indices

Define combinations for load cases

Select elements for structure or scalar field plot

Show scalar data for individual nodes/elements

Define position of color bar and additonal text

3D Plot or XY Plot of array data

Set parameters for following plots of vectorfields

Plot deformed structure

Dynamical simulation

Appendix A

Resource file for LINUX / Unix